13 Teori Psikologi Kepribadian Menurut Para Ahli, Uraian lengkap terkait teori psikologi kepribadian manusia, pengertian, perkembangan, super lengkap. HomeBuku Psikologi Kepribadian Pdf Download. Kali ini saya akan berbagi referensi kepada anda dalam bentuk buku digital yang bisa didownload di sini.

This study aims at uncovering: (1) whether the problem-based learning (PBL) method is effective to teach a theoretical subject such as Personality Psychology II; (2) how effective is the PBL method compared to the traditional method to teach a theoretical subject such as Personality Psychology II; and (3) whether the teacher factors affect the effectiveness of the PBL method to teach a theroretical subject such as Personality Psychology II. Three available classes of Subjects enrolling in Personality Psychology II, two of which were taught with the PBL method by a senior-male-demanding teacher and a junior-female-easy-going teacher respectively while the other one was taught with the traditional method by the senior-male-demanding teacher, participated in the study. Designed as a quasi-experimental research, the results showed that the first two aims of the study were confirmed.

Regarding the teacher factors effect, the study showed a direct and positive relation between the Subjects’ number of study hour and their achievement disregarding both the teaching method and the teacher factors as well as a complicated relation between the Subjects’ learning satisfaction and their achievement presu¬mably involving both the teaching method and the teacher factors with the various aspects of teacher competencies. A further study on the last matter seems to be needed.Keywords:problem-based learning, out¬come-oriented assessment, pro¬cess-oriented self-directed learn¬ing, independent learning.Full Text:DOI.


Research on the personality and its correlation to happiness found that personality is a strong predictor of happiness. Further studies also reveal that high self-esteem is found to be positively correlated with happiness. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between personality and happiness and specifically to examine how the correlation of both is mediated by self-esteem. This study hypothesises that personality correlates with happiness, and self-esteem mediate the correlation of personality with happiness. 118 participants of this study were adolescents to late adulthood in the ages ranged from 12 to 60 years. Data collected using Big Five inventory, personal self-esteem scale and mental health continuum-short form.

The results show that the Big Five personality is correlated with both self-esteem and happiness. The result also proves that self-esteem mediates the relationship between the Big Five personality and the happiness.Key words: big five personality, self-esteem, happinessAbstract: Penelitian sebelumnya tentang kepribadian dan kebahagiaan menemukan bahwa kepribadian berkorelasi dengan kebahagiaan dan merupakan prediktor yang kuat terhadap kebahagiaan. Penelitian selanjutnya juga menemukan bahwa bahwa harga diri yang tinggi berkorelasi positif dengan kebahagiaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji hubungan antara kepribadian dan kebahagiaan dan secara khusus ingin menguji bagaimana korelasi keduanya dengan dimediasi dengan harga diri. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah kepribadian berkorelasi dengan kebahagiaan dan harga diri menentukan korelasi kepribadian dengan kebahagiaan sebagai mediator.

Partisipan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 118 orang yang merupakan populasi umum dalam kategori remaja sampai dewasa akhir dengan rentang usia 12- 60 tahun. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah big five inventory, skala personal self-esteem dan mental health continuum-short form. Hasil-hasil yang ditunjukkan dalam penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kepribadian big five berkorelasi dengan harga diri. Kemudian kepribadian big five berkorelasi dengan kebahagiaan. Sehingga, dapat dibuktikan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kepribadian Big Five dengan kebahagiaan yang di mediatori oleh harga diri.

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