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IOS is such a high-efficiency system that enables Apple users to have a better experience than users of other device. However, you still need to manage your iOS device well to boost performance of your devices. Here is the best recommendation for you, which is called. With help of the program, you can manage your iOS devices on PC directly so that you can detect and clean junk files in one click. In addition, the program enables you to remove large files, prevent privacy leak by shredding deleted files, and transfer files between iOS devices and PC.In this article, I will show you detailed information about the iFreeUp Quick Start Guide. You can download the free trial version to have a try here. Quick Clean ScreenNote: At the very beginning, you need to install iTunes in your PC and then connect your iOS device to PC before using iFreeUp.

Ifreeup Pro

WinUtilities Professional Edition v12.31 Serial Key, 56, 0.00, anonymous. Windows Repair Pro (All In One) v3.8.5 Serial Key, 285, 58.33. IFreeUp can free up storage space, manage big files and apps, prevent privacy leak for iOS devices on Windows. Due to unexpandable internal storage, junk fil. IFreeUp can free up storage space, manage big.

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Here I will take iPad as an example to show you the Quick Start Guide.When launching iFreeUp, the first screen you will see is the Quick Clean Screen.Here, you can choose to clean all junk files from your iPad with just one click. As you can see here, there are five kinds of junk files, which are Junk Files Clean, Privacy Sweep, Privacy Anti-theft, Photo Shred and Performance Optimize respectively. All these five kind of junk files are checked by default, and you can click “SCAN” button in the right to start the scan. Also, you can choose the kind of junk files you need to scan while not all the 5 kind of junk files by hand.