
In, the driving licence is the official document which authorises the holder to drive a on a. Driving licences are issued by authorised driving licence testing centres, which are run by the under the supervision of the provincial and national Departments of Transport. Since 1998, the driving licence has been issued in a '; before then it was included in the holder's national. The minimum age to hold a licence is 18.Apply for a driving licence South African with the exception of Code A1 for which the minimum age is 16.Licence codes Driving licences are issued with various codes that indicate the types of vehicle that may be driven with that licence; the codes are shown in the following table. CodeVehicle classesIncludesA1with an of 125 cubic centimetres or lessAMotorcycles with an engine capacity greater than 125 ccCode A1Light motor vehiclesBVehicles (except motorcycles) with of 3,500 kilograms or less; and, and goods vehicles with (GVM) of 3,500 kg or less. A with GVM of 750 kg or less may be attached.EBwith (GCM) of 3,500 kg or less; and vehicles allowed by Code B but with a trailer with GVM greater than 750 kg.Code BHeavy motor vehiclesC1In South Africa, driving licences are issued with various codes that indicate the types of vehicle that may be driven with that licence. To transport fare-paying passengers or tourists for a fee, you must have a professional driving permit (PrDP).

Driver's License Barcode Format Codes For Windows 10

The strip along the long edge of the driver's license is called a two-dimensional bar code, or 2D. Feather said the 2D bar code is the one that holds the same information as the front of your license.

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Driver's License Barcode Format Codes 2017

For example, a Code EC1 licence includes codes B, EB and C1.Code BCBuses and goods vehicles with GVM greater than 16,000 kg. A trailer with GVM of 750 kg or less may be attached.Codes B and C1EC1Articulated vehicles with GCM between 3,500 kg and 16,000 kg; and vehicles allowed by Code C1 but with a trailer with GVM greater than 750 kg.Codes B, EB and C1ECArticulated vehicles with GCM greater than 18,000 kg; and vehicles allowed by Code C but with a trailer with GVM greater than 750 kg.Codes B, EB, C1, C and EC1Obtaining a licence Before applying for a driving licence, a prospective driver must first obtain a learner's licence.