Hi, when you say your select button doesn't work, is it a hardware or a software problem?If it is a software problem, (meaning it has nothing to do with a broken select key) then you can try this:No worries I've done this myself many times, so its completely safe. I also use the same fw aswell (non-permanent)1. Launch Pro Update.2. Once you've launched it, a black screen should appear.

Roms Mode Psp

This is basically a video which tells you how to access your recovery mode on your psp running custom firmware. Hold R and power up your psp. Loads of people asked this problem on my site, so. You have to extract the CFW to your PSP via USB then you'll find three files in the games section you select 'Update ' and you are done. If you ran into problems you can click on Fast recovery to fix.

It should say 'Press triangle to uninstall CFW'.3. Press triangle and uninstall the CFW. You will now boot into 6.60 OFW (official firmware)4. Now launch Pro Update again, and press X to install the CFW.(You can also hold the 'L' button to reinstall the CFW, but I recommend the steps above for a clean install.)I'm not sure if it'll work but you can try it out, there's no harm in doing it.

Using his highly successful training system, Rocky Ullah has already helped millions of basketball and sports enthusiasts to up their game to a considerably higher level. He is the most famous basketball trainer on YouTube currently, and his company Freak Athletics and is the largest online basketball training company in the world. Who’s the man behind the Pro Handles Training System?Well, an entire team of elite trainers and coaching professionals are responsible for the success of the Pro Handles program, but it is the brainchild of Coach Rocky Ullah. Ball handling program With the aid of Pro Handles, you can easily upgrade your (average) basketball skills within weeks (90 days to be exact) to become instant scoring freaks.

Psp 3000 Recovery Mode

If you press the select button, a little menu should appear in the centre.


Tired of your plain old recovery menu? Well thanks to the latest efforts of coders Ceikor, Blue7, Nameless, Hackman and TotalNoob, we now have a full pledge alternative solution, the Ultimate Recovery Menu.What's inside the menu:A main menu that contains:USB connection, which allows to connect to a PC via a USB cable.