How To Play PS2 Games On PC / Windows DesktopGaming is a kind of madness that takes in most of us. We play all kinds of PC games, but with evolution of technology there came many more consoles which offered many more category of games we always wanted to play. Sony Playstation 2 is one of them. It is fun when you get to play these games on your computer.

Though you may not get the same experience as you might have got in a real PS2 but at least it will reduce your madness to an extent. To play PS2 games on your PC you have to do the following things: First you need to install an emulator.

An emulator is software that creates or emulates similar environment in PC as in PS2 to make the game a fool and run it. There are many free emulators available, but the one I will recommend is the best that I ever tried. And install it.As you run PCSX2 your first task will be configuring its various plugins because it totally depends on the plugins and the performance greatly increases or decreases according to their configuration.alert-note /alert-noteWhen you hit the config button and configure, all options including graphics, sound etc. Let’s see them one by one. Setting Bios And Plugins FolderPS2 Bios are trademark or Sony and not included in the emulator, you can download them by Google searching. Once you download the BIOS, set it’s folder. A list of Bios versions will appear beneath the Bios section.

Select the bios that matches the game region.alert-success /alert-successFor plugins, most of them are included in the pcsx2 installer and are taken by default. You only have to configure them properly according to your system specifications. If you want to get new plugins for sound or graphics then google search again for PS2 plugins for the particular section, download it and put it in the default plugin folder. Keeping updated is necessary as the plugins are regularly updated to fix known bugs and performance issues.alert-note /alert-noteConfiguring Various PluginsHere I will show you to configure properly the plugins that I use regularly due to their stable performance.GraphicsSelect the GDX 890 plugin, choose it according to your processor support i.e.

Pcsx2 Gsdx 5334 Download

Aug 01, 2009  I have a problem with any gsdx i try (excluding gsdx10, as i have WinXP). In MGS3, whenever the game goes into the codec screen, it crashes. This happens in the intro movie, and if i load a saved state which i made with zeroGS, it works, but when i go into the codec again, it crashes.

GSdx is the most well-known graphics (GS) plugin for PCSX2, dating back to 2007 and initially developed by Gabest.GSdx is able to use both DirectX and OpenGL APIs. It also can switch between hardware and software rendering. Sep 16, 2010  I installed the latest PCSX2 and there is a big improvement on the laptop in terms of fps during the game but during cut scenes it still tends to drops fps. Image: framedrop2.jpg Frame drop during a cut scene. There is still the problem of unwanted crap during game play and cut scenes. Image: verygood.jpg Unwanted blue crap + vertical lines.

SSE2, SSSE3 and SSE 4.1. Then press configure, the GDX window will open.

Here you can configure resolution, renderer – type of rendering you would like to select, if you have a good graphics card and windows 7 or vista you can use direct X 10 hardware rendering else use other appropriate options. If you choose directX 9 then you have to specify Pixel shader version supported by your graphics card. Then select the aspect ratio and select an internal resolution, if you have a low end graphics card select the lowest.

While running the game if see shaky screen you can change interlacing by pressing F5.alert-note/alert-noteSoundSpu2 is the best sound plugin I used, Select it and configure it for the following.Interpolation– Provides options like nearest, linear, cubic. Try to use between the first two according to performance delivered. You can disable effect post processing if you feel the emulation is going slow.Modules– You can select between X Audio2 and direct sound, do not use others till you do not find any trouble with sound.Latency– this has to be done using trial and error method, if you find sound to be delayed adjust the latency according to it. If you are running on a slow PC try disable Time stretch and Audio expansion for performance boosts.alert-note /alert-noteSetting Up Controllersalert-success /alert-successSelect the lily pad plugin and configure it to your liking for gamepad or keyboard.

Options present on the screen are easy to understand, if you are using a gamepad follow same things as shown in the image, for keyboard select the keyboard input type and substitute the buttons. Configure both the controller 1& 2 using the same plugin. You can select one controller as gamepad other as keyboard. If you have a PS3 gamepad, you can also use it to play ps2 games using.Configuring CDVDROM PluginI will recommend you to make an ISO image of the PS2 DVD mount it and use the Gigaherz’s CDVD v0.7.0 or put the DVD ROM drive in the plugin config. Making an ISO will give better performance.alert-note /alert-noteConfiguring CPUHere you will get information of your cpu and others details, all settings here are self explanatory can be done as shown in the image.

Playing The GameOnce you are ready with all the settings you can go to file then run CD/DVD and your game will start.alert-success Successfully Tested games are: God of War II, WWE Smackdown, Bleach, Tekken 5 /alert-successConclusionalert-announce Every Game is not compatible with Emulator. There is nothing called the perfect Setting, all you have to do is apply Hit & Trail till you get things right on your System. Do not give much attention to sound. /alert-announceEvery game is not compatible with PCSX2, and experience will vary from game to game, If your game fails to run then you can try alternating the settings till you find the best suited for your system. The graphics and cpu settings shown here are mostly for computers having medium CPU power and low end graphics card.

If still you face problem or get better plugins and find more suitable settings and tricks, please do share with us.alert-success/alert-success. February 4, 2010I have not played through keyboard but with game pad, but i will try to help. If you use lilypad plugin which is recommended, Make input API to “direct input”. Mouse also can be selected by the same way, but you will not need the mouse and from game pad you can disable it. Then configure each key according to your wish. If you get any problems let me know, I will try to solve. And get a game pad, for only Rs 300 you can get Dual Shock game pads, may be not of big companies, they cost a lot.

Playing with game pad will add to your gaming experience. Aditya-November 24, 2010HI SOUROJIT i have been trying to configure 9.6 binary but only one game i was able to play is resident evil code veronica other games run but they run slowly i recently got new 9.7 version of this emulator but it is not taking bios file and i dont have any new file it seems i have to run older version so if you could suggest some good setting’s for my p.c then i will be very great full my configuration is-(core i-5 760) (4 g.b ddr3 1333 mhz) (1 gb geforce gt240 with gddr5 video memory,and lots of h.d.d.) any healp would be much appriciated. Sam'D Costa-March 23, 2011Hello SirI have succesfully successfully configured all the plugins and even i think they all r working except one i.e.

Tilrez-May 11, 2011I have the same problem Martel had I have aAMD Athlon(tm) II X2 250 and I got the download 9.6and I downloaded Final Fantasy x I read over the guide but theres points that I don’t get. And “Yes” it’s probably that it just doesn’t support my computer. Basedon the sse2 and etc plugins. Cause it didn’t have mine listed.

But I wanted to “ask” if there was anything I could do to get it switched around or maybe one of the latest updates could supply me. Just something cause I really.reeally want to play FINAL FANTASY X.Please help me sir. Deepak-September 2, 2011Plz help me out when i start to conf then in command prompt this error show“Plugin load failure: pluginsZeroGS.dll SysLibError Message:”After ignore this error when i start to rum then this error also show.An Unhandled or unrecoverable exception occured, with the message: The GS plugin failed to open/initialize.Pcx2 will now close.

More details may be available via the emuLog.tx file.Game Name Smack Down Pain.Plz help me sir.otherwise my 50Rs would be waste. Edy-December 29, 2011Greetings Sir, thank you for all your help, I have a big issue with pcsx emulator playing wwe smackdown vs raw 2011 on pc, using my keyboard, I don’t have any gamepads, the game runs fine, everything it’s ok, just that in the controls screen options, it sais that the “R” button is the one for grapple the enemies, but I don’t have R on my gamepad key mapping, I have R1, R2, R3, therefore I can’t grapple my opponent when playing, what can I do? Please help, I didn’t find this anywhere on the net!Thank you in advance!

PCSX2 is a Playstation 2 emulator for PC. The compatibility rates for the emulator boast over 80% of all PS2 games as playable. Ifyou own a reasonably powerful computer then PCSX2 is a great emulator. The application also provides support for lower end computers aswell, so all owners of Playstation 2 consoles will be able to see games working on their PC!With the PCSX2 emulator you will be able to use your PS2 controllers to simulate an authentic Playstation experience. The applicationalso gives you the ability to either run the games straight from the disc or as an ISO image from your hard drive.Key features include:.

Savestates: you can press one button to save the current 'State' of your game. Unlimited memory cards: you can save as many memory cards as you like, you are no longer limited to the single physical cardsranging from 8mb to 64mb. Higher definition graphics: with PCSX2 you have the ability to play your games in 1080p, or even 4K HD.Overall, the PCSX2 PS2 emulator is great at what it does. It can emulate PS2 games with good accuracy and you can toggle betweenWindows and the Emulator.

The downside is it struggles with high-speed games and on occasion freezes or crashes. Note you will require aPlaystation 2 BIOS, which can be extracted from your console in order to use PCSX2. New Feature. EE Overclock. Support for loading Gzip and CSO compressed ISO's. Per channel volume adjustment.


Recompiler Improvements and Core Refactors. Programmable blending to reproduce GS blending unit output. Improved CRTC output size handling. Software renderer improvements.

Accurate destination alpha testing. Improved read of depth / color. Time Stretcher: Improvements to tempo adjustments. Enhancement.

Configurable template on GSFrame titlebar. Revamped Core and GSDX plugin dialogs.